Kundencenter Webspace PHP-Konfigurator/en

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Setting up PHP


Setting up PHP


If you have an EUserv webspace, you have the option of using different scripting languages​​, which are mainly used to create dynamic Web pages and Web applications, including PHP (Personal Home Page Tools).

The collective EUserv webspace includes PHP version 4 and 5. The latest stable version is PHP 5. PHP 4 was set in 2008 and is no longer supported. EUserv still provides PHP 4 in the customer service center.

Configuring PHP

In EUserv customer center, you have the opportunity to make adjustments to the PHP version for your homepage.

Choose your webspace contract for which you want to configure the settings for PHP.


Once you have selected your webspace contract, now click on the menu item "PHP Configurator" under Webspace.


Here you can configure your webspace PHP settings.


Setting PHP4

PHP4 was set in 2008. Since then it has no more publish and support. Therefore, since 2008 the PHP4 has no updates or new security innovations. If you need it nevertheless for your website, you can select PHP4 drop-down menu under "Default PHP-Version" choose for your entire webspace.

To save your choice, please click on "setzen".


Setting PHP5

PHP5 is the successor of PHP4 to the latest stable version of the scripting language. It is currently developed and published. Security updates are regularly provided. From the drop-down menu under "Default PHP-Version", you can select PHP5 for your entire webspace. Since it is the newer version, it is automatically set at the beginning of the "default".

To save your choice, please click on "setzen".


Function allow_url_fopen

The setting of "allow_url_fopen" activates URL-supporting fopen()-Wrapper, which enable to access URL objects like normal files. Besides, Standardwrapper are provided for the access to removed files about FTP-and HTTP protocol.

WARNING: safety-critical parameters


Function allow_url_include

The setting of "allow_url_include" activates the use of URL wrappers with the following functions: "include, include_once, require, require_once". "allow_url_include" only works when "allow_url_fopen" is also activated.

WARNING: safety-critical parameters


Function register_globals

The setting of "register_globals" to determine whether the EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server) variables should be registered as global variables. WARNING: safety-critical parameters


Function display_errors

The setting of "display_errors" determines whether your site in case of failure or insufficient permissions to issue an error message.
