Kundencenter Domain Umleitung Redirect/en

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Create Domain Redirects


Create Domain Redirects


By multiple domains which you have, for example a let redirect current domain, you can create so-called domain redirects.

This has the advantage that you don't have to deposit a Internet site for every domain, but to simply redirect it to a domain (Website) with the deposited data.

Creating a Redirects

In the EUserv customer center, you have the possibility to create different domain redirects.

Choose your domain contract for which you want to create domain redirects.


Once you have selected your domain contract, click on "Umleitung/Redirect" below Domain.


Here you can set up your sub-domains as order and redirects. Click "Anlegen" to open the corresponding menu.


Creating a Frame Redirect

By Frameredirect you can redirect to pages that do not allow to enter your domain in the field of the browser changes. The principle remains the frame that active your site (Domain), while the content of the page is indicated upon which your diversion is directed.

In the drop-down menu under "Umleitungsart" select the menu "Frameredirect" if your domain without the "www" is accessible, leave the subdomain in setting up your diversion in the field (Feld "Subdomain"). If you want to create a wildcard entry, fill the field with "*".

In the field "Umleitungsadresse: (URL)" fill it with the URL that will run your redirection for example, http://www.euserv.de. With the "Seitentitel: (title)" it determine, how supposed to run the title of your page in the browser.

In the input screen "Favicon: (externe URL zu einem .ico-Bild)" you may add the link of your favorite icon file. Just like in page title, it would be the settings to be displayed and not the Originals of the page, to which you are forwarding with "meta tags (description), meta tags (author), meta tags: (keywords separated by comma), meta tags: (robots)". You can incorporate a variety of information about your site in your frame with. These tags have no influence on SEO. To do so sparing with the tags.


Complete your entries by clicking on "Speichern".

Creating a Redirect Header

In a "Headerredirect" the visitors of your domain is also diverted. However, the functionality is limited. After the diversion your main domain is no longer shown, but only the actual target domain.

In setting up a Headerredirect, you still specify an appropriate "Statuscode:(HTTP)".

Besides, "301" stands for moving permanently, that a requested domain is available at the new address, but the old address is no longer valid. While "302" and "307" are available for a temporary redirect and remains valid. At 307, the browser is probably apply this transfer by using the same method like the original domain.
