Kundencenter Server Traffic/en

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Version vom 10:00, 11. Okt. 2012 bei Praktikant1 (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Monitor the Traffic


Monitoring the Traffic


If you have an EUserv server, there is a possibility to comprehensively establish it in the customer service center.

You also need special parameters that you can find in the customer service center.

With the option "traffic" you can check the data volume of your server (used/generated traffic).

Viewing the Traffic

In EUserv customer center, you have the possibility to monitor generated traffic from your server.


Once you have selected your server contract, now click on "Traffic" under Server.


Overviewing the Traffic

The traffic in your server will be itemized that exact day in the table. A distinction is made between incoming and outgoing traffic.

In the column "gesamt" shows the total traffic one day.

In addition, you will have accumulated at the bottom of the page, the total monthly traffic.
