Kundencenter Webspace WebFTP/en

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Using of WebFTP


Using of WebFTP


If you own a EUserv webspace plan, you have a certain amount of storage space for your website and/or Web applications

In this storage you have to save all your data to be accessed via your web presence. In order to upload the data to your webspace, you need to create the file transfer protocol (FTP), which is in turn dependent on FTP accounts (such as FTP accounts, read here: https://www.euserv.com/wiki/ index.php / Kundencenter_Webspace_FTP accounts). You can do this for larger data sets using external programs that support the FT protocol or use our WebFTP in the Customer to manage your files quickly and easily.

Starting WebFTP

In EUserv Customer, you have the option of using a web based FTP client

Select first your webspace contract for which you want to use WebFTP.


Once you have selected your webspace contract, now click on the menu item "WebFTP" under webspace.


Here you see the WebFTP access by your webspace tariff. You can now use to manage your files.


Using WebFTP

In this part of the Customer EUserv, you can upload and delete your data using the WebFTP, create folders and download. First you need to select the FTP account that allows you to log on. This is done via the drop-down menu.


Once you have selected your FTP account, you will reach the specified destination directory. How to change this, click here: https://www.euserv.com/wiki/index.php/Kundencenter_Webspace_FTP-Accounts#FTP-Account__bearbeiten.2Fl.C3.B6schen

Uploading files

To upload a file with WebFTP click on the register button "Browse". In the open windows, select the local file you want and click "Open."


For security, a message window in which you be final confirm by clicking "OK" your selection.
